QGIS plugin for working with AERIUS IMAER files

Project maintained by opengeogroep Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Import AERIUS Calculator results

Import AERIUS Calculator result files and add them as QGIS vector layers.


Click the import button in the IMAER toolbar and browse to the downloaded IMAER GML file from Aerius Calculator. (Make sure you downloaded the “GML with calculation results”.)


The data will be converted into a GeoPackage (.gpkg) file at the same location your GML file is placed. Make sure you have write access to that directory.

After conversion, the calculation result hexagons will be opened as a normal polygon vector layer in QGIS. The attribute table contains the deposition values in fileds starting with dep_.

deposition map and attribute table

You can use all standard QGIS functionality for viewing, analysing and editing the data.
