QGIS plugin for working with AERIUS IMAER files

Project maintained by opengeogroep Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham



Some plugin configurations can be set in the Configuration dialog. Most of them are related to Connect.




The country where you are using AERIUS. Different countries use different versions and sub sets of IMAER.


Coordinate reference system your IMAER data should use.

Work directory:

This is the default local directory on your system where the plugin will download and save files to. Make sure you have write access to this directory.


These settings are only needed if you want to use the plugin for AERIUS Connect functionality. When the settings are right, the

Server base URL:

Location of the Connect API URL. Should by default point to the current production URL.

Some examples:


Connect server version. The version is displayed on the Connect swagger page. Just visit the Server base URL with your web browser to find it.


The email address you want to use for Connect. This is also your account name, and the address that will receive notifications when your calculations are completed.

API Key:

Connect API key that you will receive by e-mail after requesting it. You can click the Request new API key button to get (a new) one.

After receiving the new API key in your mailbox, simply copy the 32 character key to the configuration screen.


When saving the settings, the plugin will attempt to make a connection by firing a few rquests. They will also update the content of the connect plugin dialogs.


In case you are running into connection problems, open the Debug/Developer panel in QGIS (F12) to inspect the internet traffic between QGIS and Connect.