QGIS plugin for working with AERIUS IMAER files

Project maintained by opengeogroep Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Generate Calculator Input

Convert your emission source data into an IMAER GML file which can be used as AERIUS Calculator input.


Open your emission data as a regular vector layer in QGIS. The geometries can be points, lines or polygons.


  1. Click the Generate input GML button to open the dialog for generating Calculator input GML.
  2. Choose the layer with your input data and coordinate reference system (CRS).
  3. Choose the sector for your data. Currently only 2 sectors are available, ROAD_TRANSPORTATION and OTHER (for generic emission sources).
  4. In both the Metadata and Sector tabs, choose the fields from your layer for every variable you want to store in the GML file.
  5. Choose a file name for your GML file. The dialog will suggest a name including the current date and time (like calcinput_20200907_193245.gml)

After pressing Save, the GML file will be generated. A link to the file will be displayed in the message bar on top of your map. If anything goes wrong, an error will be displayed there.

Saving and loading settings

Because picking all the fields is a lot of work, there’s a way to store the current field settings in a file. This is done with the Save settings and Load settings buttons at the bottom of the dialog. Loading the settings will set the field names.

roads tab

Using the exported GML file

There are several ways of using the generated GML.

  1. Use the plugin’s Connect functionality. This can validate the GML content, start a calculation and retreive the results.
  2. The generated GML file can be imported using the interface at Aerius Calculator (NL) for starting the calculation. It is possible to import multiple files before starting the calculation, which you can use when having multiple maplayers with emission data (and different geometry types).
  3. Use the AERIUS Connect API using the Swagger interface or create your own software to connect to it.
