QGIS plugin for working with AERIUS IMAER files

Project maintained by opengeogroep Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Connect - Receptor Sets

In this dialog you can manage your own Receptor Sets in Connect. The dialog displays a list of uploaded data sets.


You can add a Receptor Set by uploading a GML file with CalculationPoints and a name to identify them. The GML should contain featureMembers like this:

` NL.IMAER CP.1 123456.0 456789.0 Bossen & Duinen `

Unfortunately, the plugin can not (yet) create these kind of files.

Adding a set

  1. Create a GML containing CalculationPoint(s) like this:
  2. Choose the GML file.
  3. Choose a name and optional description.
  4. Click Add to start uploading.



Removing a set

  1. Select the set you want to remove by clicking the line in the table.
  2. Click Delete.



  1. Click the Refresh button. :)

After adding and removing Receptor Sets, a refresh should happen automatically. But in some occasions, like changes on the server or after network problems, you might want to refresh manually to make sure you are looking at the current data status.
